Creating a Login

  • chevron_rightHow do I sign up? (click me)
    Before signing up
    Work with your household to determine the individual and email address that will be the primary account for your property.  Each property is allowed a single primary user that will receive notifications and invoices (automated and otherwise) from the HOA.  Secondary accounts can be created, however they will not receive dues or property notifications.  The primary user will also be the main contact point for the board, if needed.
    Once you have decided your primary account holder
    1. Click on the 'register' link at the top right of the page.  
    2. Enter in the appropriate registration code.  If you do not know the code, use the contact us feature to message the web board and we will send it to you via email. 
    3. Fill out your information and select your property from the drop down list. 
    4. Select submit and your account will then be created and reviewed by the board.
    5. If you run into trouble, contact the board for assistance.
    Once approved, you will receive an email to verify your account and complete your registration.  In the email you receive is a link that you need to click to create a password and complete your registration.
    Registering / Adding additional users
    Once your primary account is approved and created, you may then log-in and add up to Two level '2' users under your primary account (significant other(s?)).  You may also add up to 5 level '3' users under your primary account (kids, pets?). Level '2' users will be registered as secondary users for the property.  They may not receive automated notifications, however, they may be used as a contact for the associated property if the board cannot reach the primary user or would like to send out announcements.  Level '3' users will have full site access, but will not used as a contact for the associated property. 
    To add additional level 2/3 users:
    1. Log-in to your primary account
    2. Select the "Your Profile" link at the top right
    3. Scroll to the "Your level (2)/(3) members" section
    4. Click on the add link to add additional members to your account