Real Estate Links

Real estate agents and prospective new home buyers often are interested in the following resources regarding our Daniels Ranch community.
We hope that the following information can be a self-serve resource for the questions you may have. We live in a wonderful, beautiful neighborhood comprised of a great community of people!  The Daniels Ranch Home Owners Association Board are volunteers within the community.  We are happy to answer any remaining questions you may have after viewing the content provided here. We welcome your input, so please, let us know if we can provide additional useful content on this page. 
Links to available documents:
The Governing Documents, also collectively referred to as the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CCRs), or specifically referred to as the Declarations, Bylaws and Rules and Regulations, are the documents that set forth the property rights of all owners and the obligations of homeowners and the Association.  As a homeowner, agreement to adhere to the following guidelines and staying current on payment of HOA required dues are a stipulation for homeownership in Daniels Ranch.
  • CC&R's
  • By-Laws
  • Mailing address: Daniels Ranch HOA * PO Box 1311, Carnation, WA  98014
Escrow Demands:
Upon the acceptance of an offer for home purchases, our HOA treasurer will supply all the information required for the Escrow demands.  You may send a general note using the "Contact Us" link above.   Within the drop down, select "HOA Treasurer," enter your response email address and provide your message in the  subject body.     Should you have attachments you wish to send, please email; directly.
Other document or material requests:
Please use the "Contact Us" link above, choose "HOA Board" within the drop down to request other  additional documentation you may require.
Please note that solicitation messages are not accepted.